Below is a list of my fave anime, and my "Cosplay Wishlist". Enjoy!

Lilith: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito--
I was thinking of trying to get out my comfort zone and pull this look off. I believe I can, and it has a bit of a classy yet edgy side to it. (basically, all my cosplays are gonna be edgy. That's who I am, of course) So knowing that when I decide to make Lilith, I really have to hike up that skirt and show the con who's boss. It'll take me years to make that hat though (no, I'm lying). She's fairly easy to make and I don't think I'll have any trouble showing off this cosplay at an upcoming con. I just gotta knock this shyness outta the way >.<

Rapidash: Pokemon--
Now, I've already made the cosplay for this yesterday, and might I add, that it looks nice (pictures at the end of the post)! Pokemon cosplays actually require you to use your own imagination of how you would look like if you were your favorite Pokemon. I really did put alot of kick into my costume, but artistic elegance that makes me just as majestic as this powerful, fiery unicorn. My look ended up very artsy, and go-go/raver like. I'm a big fan of fire-types, but Zebstrika is a new favorite. I think I might go ahead and add it to this list too, because I think I can totally pull off Zebstrika's electric feel: a synth-goth/raver look for it.
There are a few more Pokemon I want to try out.
Haruhi Gothic Lolita dress-- For this dress, I was just gonna probably go Lolita instead of being Haruhi. I think it's optional, how about you? Now this dress I can totally pull of with my stripey stockings and I know when I attempt to make this dress, the first try won't be any kinds of perfect. It'll take me days to make it, though I know I can handle it because I handled the challenge of making that Maid-sama costume for Linda. Now, lemme tell ya, THAT was a bunch of cursing and struggling for that to actually look good, so this would be the same, but twice as worse. But hey, everything in life is, and especially designing. Not everything is easy and to promote Glam Rock, I've gotta put in some badass Lolita work.

I remember this maid!! This was an idea I was trying to score for my dear friend Roxana ♥ She wanted to be a maid for Halloween/Oni-con this year, and she wanted it to have a Goth-loli feel to it. So, why not be a maid, Kels? Probably not this exact one, but something similar, and I'll leave this for Roxy ^^ This seems fairly easy to make, btw.

Haruhi Bunny Girl: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya--

Short kimono-- Inspiration to make this was from one single girl at Hermann Park getting ready to go to the Japanese Garden for a photo shoot. Her kimono was very much like this one, but black, gold, and white, and was very Goth-loli, especially with her socks and shoes to match with it. Ohhhh, the best. So what I wanted to do was to get my kimono pattern and make one with my fave colors, purple and black, and with my handmade black and white tutu underneath to make the kimono really pop out. I'd have to create an under skirt for it, and add the tutu under that for this effect you see before you now (but a little bit poofier). Genius!! XD

Meiko Sakine: Vocaloid-- Yes, everyone does their Miku and Neru and Lin and Rin cosplays, but of course, me being so hipster, I wanted to do someone not as popular (but should be; she's too cute!). Meiko is my choice, and I like her voice on some songs. This cosplay seems kinda easy to make.

Meroko Yui: Full Moon wo Sagashite--

Nagisa Aoi: Strawberry Panic--
Now, just like Lolita dresses, this one should be a challenge too. I just know that I need assloads of tulle for the petticoat underneath the uniform (YES, this is their St. Miatre school uniform). I do love this cosplay because it is so 'Lolita-esque'. And I love ties. I just do. Ties are awesome, so incorporating a tie in the cosplay is just way awesome. (Besides, I know I haven't mentioned anything about wigs throughout this whole list, but yes, I will search for the wigs or get my mom to do them.) I think Nagisa's hair is toooooo adorable, so I think I can pull her off.

Nana Oosaki: NANA--
I love the story for this anime, and I, of course, am like the main character, Nana. So this cosplay wouldn't really require much work or designing in the first place. If anything, I'd just have to find a wig.... and that bitchin hat! (Hey, the hat is optional, so I just want it just because) I do normally dress this way, so yes, Nana would have to be donned 'the easiest cosplay ever'.

There's the other Nana, Nana Komatsu, but she's the sweet, girly one. Maybe I can find someone to cosplay as her. It'll be a plus if I get my counterpart..
And there's also Nana's boyfriend Ren. You think I should get someone to cosplay as him? ^^

Roxy Richter: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World--
(technically a manga) Yes, I wanna be one of the evil exes. I seriously am in love with that hoodie of hers. I can totally pull this look off, and very easily. I have some extra fishnets I can rip apart and I wanna make that hoodie, just to wear anywhere, but most importantly to cosplay as Roxy. But I really want to search for that belt O.O

Anarchy Angel Stocking: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt--

There are actually some choices I wanna try out with Stocking other than the angel form, like the apocalyptic police one in the episode where there was an outbreak of zombies and they were apparently in Raccoon City, but it was the work of Scanty and Kneesocks.

I also want to try out her standard form, but with a different Lolita dress. And there seems to be boy versions of Stocking. I shall see which lucky guy gets to cosplay as boy Stocking ♥ (or if they even want to)

TinierMe Commissions-- I saw this idea long time ago, and don't wanna steal anyone's thunder..... but I thought this would be absolutely AMAZING to cosplay. I can totally make that coat and pull off this look. I have the top hat, the skirt (or make a new box pleat skirt. I wanna practice pleating =]), the stockings, the Mary Janes, and I can make the bat wings, and shop for a tall umbrella I can parade around in..... then again, I have to make that swirly handle, and I don't think I know how to go about doing that.... so I guess I'll just leave the handle out?

Tsukasa Hiiragi cheerleader: Lucky Star-- Yeah, the twin with the short hair. I've actually made the headband, but never started making the costume. I have my materials already, so I can make her at any time. Oh oh, and guess what? I already have her wig! My little cousins got the wig from a friend, so they gave it to me, and now I just have to wash and de-tangle that mess. Besides, this is another costume going out of my element and I looove purple! But yeah, cheerleaders..... I was never really fond of cheerleaders, but I actually like this costume, and it'll give me a chance to practice some box pleating.
So, there you have it, my list of awesomeness ^w^ If/whenever I come up with more or newer cosplay ideas, I'll be sure to update this post. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled and be on the lookout for my results once I try these costumes out =]
Oh, and I told you guys about my attempt at a raver Rapidash costume at the end, so here you go.
Now, I have some cut up stockings for it, so the costume is even cooler. I'll be showing this off at Comicpalooza, so be on the lookout for me, if you guys are already attending this year.
Enjoy!! ~♥