Thursday, April 1, 2010

Corset-like tops!

So after much much putting off, and hard thinking, I came to parading around in this as a walking advertisement. This recon is what I like to call the corset-like top, because it looks kinda like a corset, but without the eyelets, or the ribbons in the front, back, or sides (For the next time, I can include eyelets and ribbon or string).

It's my old Senioritis shirt from last year a few months before graduating. Of course, everytime I get a t-shirt of any kind of organization or company in a small, it still ends up way bigger on me than I want. Baggy shirts are awesome, but you know the old adage: if you want something to fit, you got to alter it yourself! ^^ Okay, that's not how it goes, but you catch my drift heheee.

Instead of just altering the shirt into my size, I wanted to do something creative. I thought long and hard about what to do, and when I bought all the fabric for bows from Joann's, I finally came up with corset top! Didn't quite come out how I wanted it, but it's still pretty cool. I've put off sewing the sides for months on end, but I finished it yesterday.

So, for any other corset recons, I can charge $20 if anyone wants me to make it. Enjoy everyone.

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