It's been a while since I've been on here and I'm sorry sweeties (you know how it is, it's final exams time!!).
Well, anyhoo, I have great news. HCC is having the Celebrating You program, hosted by my former entrepreneurship teacher, Lisa Williams Stillwell.
--Well, here's some background story-- I took her class in high school for 11th and 12th grade, and when I started Glam Rock, I actually though about the principles that she taught (that made her cry hearing that from me hehehe). So anyhoo, I never thought that I'd actually have any ideas for selling and being a young entrepreneur, as she taught us, so 12th grade, I took her again for marketing/co-op, and she helped me find a job and started going fro

m there. I got fired from it then she helped me work in my school's cafeteria, and all-in-all, she's helped me through alot. So after graduating, I've been putting her name as a reference to still help me get a job, and one of my loyal friends from my high school, Ariel Brownlee, is now in the 11th and taking her class. Since Mrs. Williams knew how creative I was with my drawing, she knew I was in college taking up art. Ariel had told me that she was taking her class, and I suggested that she show Mrs. Williams this blogspot. And little did I know that she actually did it!
Then 2 weeks ago, I get a call from

my mom at 10,11-something at night telling

me to call Mrs. Williams because she had some job for me to do. Mrs. Williams asked if I can help her set up for a Day or Refreshing program she was hosting on the next day and if I wanted to

sell some of my stuff. I accepted. Of course it was very late notice, but it was a grand opportunity for me to make some cash over the weekend. The program was fun and being a vendor was great, especially with the nice ladies and talking and getting to know them. It was a real confidence-booster for me. Then, Mrs. Williams asked if I wanted to speak in the upcoming program that she usually has every year. When I was in high school, I attended the "Celebrating the Queen in You" program for 2 years in a row, and they were very inspirational. So this year, instead of being held at the school, it's going to be held in my current school, HCC!!!--
So, I have the chance to give a speech about Glam Rock, and about my goals, life during and after high school, and everything in between. I'll be lucky to see some of the *cough cough* Sterling graduating seniors and students there and be able to pass on the wisdom to them and the ladies at the Day of Refreshing program, and be able to represent HCC really well. I'm pretty stoked about it!!
The program is going to be this Saturday at 9:30 in Room 100 in the Learning Hub, 1300 Holman St. Come by and learn something new, get inspired, get some free food, and show me and Glam Rock Glory Days some support! ^^