Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cat Cowl Neck Hoodie in 30 Minutes!

[As you all can see, I finally got the batteries =D Proceeding...]

I've found these shirts at Walmart in September while trying to find materials for my Cheshire Cat costume. I literally have bent backwards trying to find the shirts, fabric, etc, for soooooo long that I started liking everything pink and purple!! I wasn't used to NOT looking for materials anymore after I found a dress from Goodwill before October.... [yes, I was planning my Halloween costumes in August, and haven't rested ever since until I found what I was looking for] Anyhoo, I bought 2 shirts so that I can make an extra hoodie to sell if I needed to. The Goodwill dress was THE perfect stripey pink and purple for my Disney rendition of the Cheshire Cat [favorite one, mind you, though bigger stripes were really what I was looking for....] and this one was going to be an extra when I had the chance to make it and advertise it around..

Thing is, I never made it after I made the 7 costumes .___. I did, however, just make it 2 days ago when I was in bit of a rush and preparing for a day out with a bud. I guess the fact that I was in a rush was how I made this Cheshire Cat cowl hoodie in about 30 minutes or less. Actually, one of my most simplest recons yet, and it only required the 2 shirts, ol' trusty Adalia, and motivation to hurry the hell up and make this sweater already!!!

 And with those ingredients, I built the ultimate product: Cowl hoodie with adorable cat ears. Of course, the colors I've chosen and have modeled are that of the Cheshire Cat, but if I'm to make one for you, it doesn't necessarily have to be the pink and purple. Everyone knows I'm a Wonderland freak and if you want, you can either have stripes or solid color. If you want this particular hoodie or one made like this in your size, it's $28.

Happy 2012!!

Rockin' the new haircut and those loverly glasses to match..

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